Logical thinking with Python

Logical thinking It is the process of reasoning by which a conclusion is reached from given premises.. In logic, Logical thinking refers to deductive reasoning, in which a conclusion is inferred from given premises.

How is logical thinking applied in Python?

Logical thinking can be applied to any problem, But it is especially useful in programming. In Python, Logical thinking is used to Solve problems.

For example, Suppose we want to find the area of a circle. We know that the area of a circle is calculated with the formula:

A = π * r2

– A is the area of the circle.
– π is the number pi (3.141592653589793).
– r is the radius of the circle.

Like this, To find the area of a circle, We must know your radius. If we don't know the radius of the circle, We can't calculate your area.

In Python, Can Define a function take the radius as an argument and return the area of the circle.


Let's look at an example of how logical thinking is applied in Python to solve a problem.

Suppose we have a list of numbers and we want to find the smallest number in the list.

Can Define a function go through the list and compare each number with the smallest number found so far. If the number is smaller than the smallest number found so far, We update the smallest number.

Like this, at the end of the function, the smallest number will be the smallest number in the list.

Let's look at an example of how this is implemented in Python:

def find_smallest_number(numbers):

smallest_number = numbers[0]

for number in numbers:
if number < smallest_number:
smallest_number = number

return smallest_number

In the example above, The function find_smallest_number takes a list of numbers as an argument and returns the smallest number in the list.

To test the function, We can call it with a list of numbers:

numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

smallest_number = find_smallest_number(numbers)

print(smallest_number) # Prints 10

In the example above, The function find_smallest_number returns the number 10, which is the smallest number on the list.

Logical operators in Python

Python has three logical operators: and, or and not.

Operator and

The operator and Used to check if two conditions are true at the same time.

Operator or

The operator or Used to verify whether at least one of the conditions is true.

Operator not

The operator not Used to deny a condition, namely, To change a true value to false or vice versa.

Flow control structures in Python

Python has three flow control structures: if, elif and else.

Structure if

The structure if is used to check if a condition is true and, If yes,, execute one or more instructions.

Elif structure

The structure elif Used after a structure if to check if another condition is true.

Structure else

The structure else Used after a structure if o elif to execute one or more statements if none of the above conditions are true.

El zen de Python

If you are a beginner in Python, The first thing you should do is read the Zen de Python.
This document contains a set of principles that guide the development of the language and that every Python programmer should know.
To access Python Zen, You can open your terminal and type import this.

Python for programming with logic

Python is a very popular programming language among data scientists and web developers.
While it is a versatile language that can be used for many tasks, in this section we will focus on how to use Python to Programming with logic.
Logic programming is a programming paradigm in which programs are written as a set of rules or Constraints.
A logic program is executed by searching for a set of values that satisfy all the constraints.

Python for the web

Python is a very popular programming language among web developers, thanks to his simplicity and at Extensive libraries What you have for web development.
For example, The Library Django is a Python web framework that facilitates the development of robust web applications.
Other popular libraries for web development with Python are Flask y Bottle.

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