Python utilities and how to learn to program with Python

What is Python?

Python is an interpreted programming language whose philosophy emphasizes the readability of its code.
It is a multiparadigm programming language, as it supports object orientation, imperative programming and, to a lesser extent, Functional programming. It is a dynamic language, dynamic and cross-platform typing.

Python Source

Python was created in the late eighties by Guido van Rossum at the Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (Cwi, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica), in the Netherlands as a successor to the ABC programming language, able to handle exceptions and interact with the Amoeba operating system.

Python Features

Some of the most prominent features of Python are:

  • Es Multiparadigm, as it supports object orientation, imperative programming and, to a lesser extent, Functional programming.
  • Es dynamic and Dynamic typing, allowing you to bypass the declaration of data types.
  • It's cross-platform: Can run on virtually all platforms, from Windows to Linux to MacOS, No need to make any changes to the source code.
  • It has a Lots of libraries standard, which makes it extremely versatile and adaptable to any type of programming.
  • It's a Interpreted language, which means you don't need a compiler to run, although compilers exist for Python.
  • His syntax It is clear and concise and its legibility is one of its strengths, making it easy to learn and understand.

History of Python

Python was created in the year 1991 by Guido van Rossum at the Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (Cwi, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica), in the Netherlands, as a successor to the ABC programming language, able to handle exceptions and interact with the Amoeba operating system.

Van Rossum was inspired by other programming languages, as Modula-3, C y Unix shell. Nevertheless, decided to call it Python, In honor of the British comedy group Monty Python.

Python 2.0 was released on 16 of October 2000 and Python 3.0, a version incompatible with Python 2.0, was released on 3 December 2008.

Python Installation

Python comes preinstalled on the latest versions of Mac OS X and Linux. To check if we have Python installed on our system, We can open a console or terminal and type the command Python.

In case we don't have Python installed, We can download and install it from the official Python page.

Once Python is installed, We will have to configure the Environment variables to be able to run Python scripts from anywhere.

Python Execution

Python can be run from Two different ways: in interactive mode or script mode.

In interactive mode, We can directly type the instructions in the console or terminal and Python will be responsible for executing them and showing us the result on the screen. This is useful to do Tests or for learn Language.

In script mode, Can To write Our code in a text editor and save it in a file with the extension To run the script, We will have to type the python command followed by file name.

Using Python

Python can be used to any type of programming, since desktop applications until Web Servers, passing through Mobile Apps, games o artificial intelligence.

Some of the Most common uses of Python are:

  • Development of desktop applications with PyQt o Tkinter.
  • Development of Web Servers with Django o Flask.
  • Development of Mobile Apps with Kivy.
  • Development of games with Pygame.
  • Development of artificial intelligence with TensorFlow o Keras.

Python is also used amply in Data Science, Machine Learning y Data analysis, among other things.

Python is an interpreted programming language whose philosophy emphasizes the readability of its code.. It is a multiparadigm programming language, as it supports object orientation, imperative programming and, to a lesser extent, Functional programming. It is a dynamic language, Weak typed and cross-platform. Distributed under the GPL open source license. In the year 2018 It is among the most popular programming languages.


Python syntax is very simple to learn, Even if you are a beginner programmer. This is because the language uses a very clean syntax, and its rules are based on block indentation.


Python is an interpreted programming language, Dynamic and cross-platform. Their philosophy emphasizes the readability of their code and making the code easy to understand.. It is a multiparadigm programming language, as it supports object orientation, imperative programming and, to a lesser extent, Functional programming.


Python is an interpreted programming language, Dynamic and cross-platform. Their philosophy emphasizes the readability of their code and making the code easy to understand.. It is a multiparadigm programming language, as it supports object orientation, imperative programming and, to a lesser extent, Functional programming.

Interpreted: Python is an interpreted programming language, which means that it runs directly from the source code. Does not require a pre-build process, as with other programming languages.

Dynamic: Python is a dynamic programming language, meaning it doesn't require variables to be declared of a specific type. Variables can be used without previously declaring them and the type is determined at run time.

Cross-platform: Python can run on any operating system, as Windows, Mac OS, Linux, etc.


Python is an interpreted programming language, Dynamic and cross-platform. Their philosophy emphasizes the readability of their code and making the code easy to understand.. It is a multiparadigm programming language, as it supports object orientation, imperative programming and, to a lesser extent, Functional programming.

Legibility: Python has a very clean and easy to learn syntax. This is because the language uses a very clean syntax, and its rules are based on block indentation.

Multiparadigm: Python is a multi-paradigm programming language, which means it supports different programming paradigms. This makes Python a very versatile language and can be used for different purposes..

Extensive standard library: Python comes with an extensive standard library that includes modules for most common purposes.. This makes Python a very versatile language and can be used for different purposes..


Python is an interpreted programming language, Dynamic and cross-platform. Their philosophy emphasizes the readability of their code and making the code easy to understand.. It is a multiparadigm programming language, as it supports object orientation, imperative programming and, to a lesser extent, Functional programming.

Not as fast as other languages: Python is an interpreted language, which means that it runs directly from the source code. Does not require a pre-build process, as with other programming languages. This makes Python a bit slower than other compiled languages., as C or Fortran.

Not as scalable as other languages: Python is a dynamic language, meaning it doesn't require variables to be declared of a specific type. Variables can be used without previously declaring them and the type is determined at run time. This makes Python a bit less scalable than other languages., such as C or Java.

Websites to learn how to program with Python

Python is an easy-to-learn programming language, Powerful and versatile. Used in many areas, From web development to data science, and its simplicity makes it ideal for learning to program.

There are many websites where you can learn Python, But in this list we have compiled the ones that we believe are the best. Each of them offers quality content and is freely available.

1. Python Tutor

Python Tutor is an ideal website to start learning Python from scratch. It offers an introduction to language through an interactive course of 28 Lessons. Each lesson is composed of theoretical explanations and practical exercises to put into practice what has been learned.

2. Python from scratch

Python from scratch is a blog in which the author, a programmer with more than 20 years of experience, Share your knowledge about language. The blog is aimed at those who want to learn Python from scratch and offers an introduction to the language through articles and tutorials.

3. Learn Python

Learn Python is a website aimed at those who want to learn the language for free. Offers an introduction to language through a 40 Lessons, in which the basic concepts of language are explained and practical exercises are carried out.

4. SoloLearn: Learn Python

SoloLearn: Learn Python is a free mobile app (Also available for computer) where you can learn the language interactively. The course is composed of theoretical lessons and practical exercises, and allows you to share progress with other users.

5. Codecademy: Python

Codecademy: Python is a free online course that offers an introduction to the language interactively. The course is composed of theoretical lessons and practical exercises, and at the end you get a certificate.

6. LearnPython

LearnPython is a website where you can learn Python for free. Offers an introduction to language through a 40 Lessons, in which the basic concepts of language are explained and practical exercises are carried out.

7. Real Python

Real Python is a website aimed at those who want to learn Python for free. Offers an introduction to language through a 40 Lessons, in which the basic concepts of language are explained and practical exercises are carried out.

Udemy Online Python Training Course

Udemy is an online course platform where you can find Python courses of all levels, From the most basic to the advanced. Courses are taught by language experts and offer a comprehensive introduction to the programming language.

1. Python for everyone

Python for Everyone is a comprehensive Udemy course that offers an introduction to the Python programming language. The course is composed of 21 Lessons explaining the basics of language and doing hands-on exercises.

2. Learn Python from scratch

Learn Python from Scratch is a Udemy course aimed at those who want to learn the language for free. Offers an introduction to language through a 40 Lessons, in which the basic concepts of language are explained and practical exercises are carried out.

3. Python for beginners

Python for beginners is a Udemy course aimed at those who want to learn the language for free. Offers an introduction to language through a 40 Lessons, in which the basic concepts of language are explained and practical exercises are carried out.

4. Python for Scientists and Engineers

Python for Scientists and Engineers is a Udemy course aimed at those who want to learn the language for free. Offers an introduction to language through a 40 Lessons, in which the basic concepts of language are explained and practical exercises are carried out.

5. Python for Programmers

Python for Programmers is a Udemy course aimed at those who want to learn the language for free. Offers an introduction to language through a 40 Lessons, in which the basic concepts of language are explained and practical exercises are carried out.

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